Random Acts of Science

What is Science?

There are two main parts of science. First, and most well known, is learning scientific facts. Knowledge that has been developed in the past which is already thoroughly verified is very important to science. The second is to continue building scientific knowledge. Knowledge that we haven't developed yet is like exploring unknow terrain. Random acts of science delivers the tools of science in a way that will help us navigate the unknown as we work towards building scientific knowledge. It will help us bridge the gap between the treasure trove of knowledge from the past and the knowledge we will build in the future. 

past present future

What is Random Acts of Science?

Random acts of science are based on the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts from the next generation science standards. It is a tool to encourage students to build a personal science practice with topics that a relevant to them. Random acts of science provides prompts for students to explore their questions with scientific reason instead of looking to outside sources for information. Randomly picking a scientific idea to explore will challenge students to build a robust understanding of science practices and concepts. Students will spend their time engaging with natural phenomenon and developing thinking skills.